Vanmorgen rond elf uur was de eerste melding. Daarna heeft E-mail via Outlook enige uren last gehad van een storing. E-mail op de smartphone (activesync) en via de browser (Outlook Web App) functioneerde normaal. Het probleem deed zich voor in de europese datacentra waardoor Outlook clients geen contact kregen. Meerdere organisatie en gebruikers hebben last gehad van deze onderbreking. Vlak na het middag uur was de storing opgelost.
10-01-2014 Service hersteld melding
10 jan 2014 14:45 | Service hersteld | Closure Summary: On Friday, January 10, 2014 at approximately 9:21 AM UTC, an issue was reported where some users from the European region were experiencing issues accessing their Exchange mailboxes via the Outlook client. Users using the Outlook Web App and Exchange Web Service were not affected during this incident. Engineers tested, validated and deployed a fix to mitigate impact. The issue was successfully fixed on Friday, January 10, 2014 at 12:32 PM UTC. A complete post-incident report will be available on the Service Health Dashboard within five business days. In an effort to improve our incident communications we are adding a survey to some of our closure summaries. Please take a moment to fill out the brief survey by going to the following link: |
10-01-2014 12:00 bevestiging van de storing
10 jan 2014 11:58 | Serviceonderbreking | Microsoft engineers are continuing to investigate the issue that is impacting some users ability to access Exchange Online. The issue looks to primarily impact Outlook client connectivity and connectivity via other protocols such as Outlook Web App or the Exchange Web Service are not seeing the issue. Engineering is currently looking into a potential fix which is being validated at this time. |
10-01-2014 11:00 eerste meldingen worden onderzocht
10 jan 2014 10:22 | Wordt onderzocht |
We onderzoeken een servicewaarschuwing. Op dit moment hebben we nog niet voldoende informatie om te bepalen of dit daadwerkelijk een service-incident is. We zullen u spoedig informeren. |
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